the oldest...

...building in paris:

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theatrum constructum

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hammocks, baskets, sheds and other craft

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port preservation



patina is a word I first learnt from my grandpa. since then i love discovering it around. it was interesting to advice a student doing thesis on material decomposition, weathering, and abandoned structures lately.

patina (via Merriam-Webster dictionary)
pa·ti·na noun \pə-ˈtē-nə, ˈpa-tə-nə\
plural pa·ti·nas or pa·ti·nae

Definition of PATINA
a : a usually green film formed naturally on copper and bronze by long exposure or artificially (as by acids) and often valued aesthetically for its color
b : a surface appearance of something grown beautiful especially with age or use
: an appearance or aura that is derived from association, habit, or established character
: a superficial covering or exterior

Origin of PATINA
Italian, from Latin, shallow dish — more at paten
First Known Use: 1748

patina (via urban dictionary):
The term that antique appraisers and collectors use to describe rust or age on an old object to try to increase its value.

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summer accessories

artwork found at OTE, in Thessaloniki, Greece

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blue spots

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white cover

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tanner fountain

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morning garden in

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The series of photos is taken during the period I was writing my dissertation. These beans stay alive only until its end. Now they are here to represent the process of preparing my installation for the Garden Lab exhibition that will take place between January to June at Mass Art. Stay tuned!

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public-private baths

An outdoor pool of Samothraki's thermal baths found on the foot of Saos mountain.

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rose+cardamom tea

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I was excited to create this series of lectures as part of my thesis prep course at WIT during this fall.
