John Harvard Projection
John Harvard Projection, Krzysztof Wodiczko, April 20-27, 2015
Harvard's iconic statue comes to life
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John Harvard 'speaks' & video
pilot episode[s] on architecture, city + landscape
Labels: architecture, art, dartmouth
Labels: gsd
Labels: wit
"...Zenovia Toloudi, assistant professor of studio art, says her work draws on a spectrum of disciplines. “I am fascinated by how architecture as a field of knowledge gives the opportunity to creative thinkers to cultivate and combine multiple skills and interests towards a vision that aims to improve people’s surroundings,” she says..."
"I often work with installation art as a medium to explore how invisible physical qualities of space (air, light, sound) relate to their subjective sensual perception (smell, vision, hearing), and how spectators of architecture and art become the makers and co-producers of space."
Labels: dartmouth