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Μ Καραγάτση,Βυζάντιο,Πόλη ή Ισταμπούλ [via Maria Toloudi]


bz @HCII

B-Z will be participating on the Emotion and Ambient Computing parallel session as part of Human-Computer Interaction International Conference 2018.

  • On Interdependent Metabolic Structures: The Case of Cyborg Garden, Zenovia Toloudi, United States; Spyridon Ampanavos, Greece
  • Touch: Communication of Emotion through Computational Textile Expression, Felecia Davis, United States
  • Measuring Scarcity or Balancing Abundance: Some reflections on Human-building Interaction Paradigms from an Architectural Perspective, Selena Savic, Austria
  • Computing Atmospheres, Yasmine Abbas, United States
  • Collaborative Music Composition based on Sonic Interaction Design, Mauro Amazonas, Victor Vasconcelos, Adriano Brandão, Gustavo Kienem, Thais Castro, Bruno Gadelha, Hugo Fuks, Brazil

The panel is organized by Yasmine Abbas and will take place on Thursday, 19 July 2018: 10:30 – 12:30. For more info about this day's schedule, please click here.
