cathedral of our lady of the angeles:: part III

a building by RAFAEL MONEO
interior views::


Blogger evee said...

όνυχας είναι αυτό που φαίνεται σαν πέτρωμα διάφανο στο μεγάλο υαλοστάσιο?

συνήθως ο όνυχας έχει τέτοια δαφάνεια μα είναι πιο ώχρα

11/10/2006 07:01:00 AM  
Blogger zenovia said...

i think rafael moneo is using alavaster in windows.
it is similar to onyx.
gtroza found these if you are interested:

ALABASTER: Alabaster is a fine-grained, snow-white, translucent gypsum.
Gypsum is a hydrated calcium sulfate (calcium sulfate combined with
water). Alabaster has been used for centuries for statuary, carvings and
other ornaments.
ONYX: Onyx is a striped, semiprecious, translucent variety of quartz.
The stripes come from various layers of other materials laid down when
the onyx was formed. It is used primarily for carvings.

ONYX MARBLE: The term onyx marble is technically a misnomer—actually,
two misnomers—it is neither onyx nor marble. Onyx is quartz, and marble
is a thermally morphed calcite or dolomite (calcium carbonate). Onyx
marble is a crystal form of calcium carbonate deposited from a cold
water solution—more like travertine. It is also translucent like marble
or travertine, but because it was laid down in layers, there are
intermittent layers of other materials put down also—which gives it the
striped effect like onyx—hence the mixed name.

[he found more stuff about the differences of the two but i rather be short!]

11/11/2006 01:07:00 AM  
Blogger marl(t) said...

gtroza is really meticulous...

11/11/2006 06:05:00 PM  
Blogger zenovia said...


11/11/2006 06:39:00 PM  
Blogger evee said...

alabaster... what a material!
I had many years to hear that word and I didnt imagine that it might be used nowadays, especially in architecture.
thankx ;)

11/12/2006 04:18:00 PM  

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