
last week i 've been to the lecture of vicente guallart at mit.
vicente guallart is the man- in this sketch explaining the metacity- behind


sociopolis is a big research project, where many architects were/ are involved [like himself, toyo ito, r&sie[n], aballos & herreros and more]. it somehow emphasizes the need for an architecture that reflects the social reality of our time. i am not so sure i am convinced by this "new" idea. however i respect the amount of work that has been done and i try to be open to explore the sharing tower part of the architectural scale of this project:

so in this tower of 21.000m2 every floor has a different amount and type[meeting room, laundry, cooking and eating, terrace, living room and others] of area to be shared by the various groups [8-person micro-communities] to inhabit the 250 rental appartments:

according to guallart, people go through phases of ages that they like sharing, for example they like it around 5 or around 60, and not to forget the student dorms...

i am not so sure if this would work or if this is kind of socially right, however its an interesting idea of generating form and not only.

*photos form the lecture and diagrams from here

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Blogger Brendan Crain said...

Guallart has a way with bizarre forms. He's like Will Alsop with a working brain.

I'll have to read up on this Sociopolis thing...

10/14/2007 09:19:00 PM  
Blogger zenovia said...

at this lecture he did not show any bizzare form... but now i checked his website more carefully and i can see what you mean.
in fact, not only didn't he show any "bizzare" work but he started his lecture by defining 2 ways in architecture: that of a system and that of an icon. and he said he is interested in the system.
good to see a chicagoan[?] visitor in bee-zee. i should have discovered you before i leave the city!

10/14/2007 10:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey. =)
i was just searching for some info on guallart and found your site. i was also at this lecture back in september. i'm not an architect, but i'm really interested in urban studies and stuff. i thought he gave a great lecture.

3/03/2008 12:03:00 PM  

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